презент симпл возьмем, потому что самое простое present simple - every day,usually,every year,saldom
я играю I play. - утвердительное предложение
я играю? DO I play? - вопросительное, перед местоимением добавляем DO (или DOES, в зависимости от местоимения, - does (даз) - только когда he she)
я не играю. I DO NOT play. - отрицательное предложение, тоже do & does, только с частицей not, добавляем после местоимения, но перед глаголом
помимо этого времени, еще несколько времен есть -, презент паст и фьючер - соответственно настоящее будущее, каждое подразделяется на разные "виды" - симпл, континиус и т.д., слова меняются, а но суть одна - местоимение→глагол - утвердительное to be→местоимение→глагол - вопрос местоимение→to be not →глагол - отрицательное как-то так я полагаю, ты об этом спрашивала так?
My friend!My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the sixth grade. I have a lot of friends but I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He’s my school-mate. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. He will help me in hour of need. I always can rely on him. Sasha goes to sports school. He is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. On weekends we play football or cycle. Sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. Also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. His favourite films are “Saw” and “Scream”. We often go to the cinema. Sasha is true friend. My father says that I’m lucky because I have so reliable and true friend. I value our friendship.
1. George had eaten all the chocolate biscuits and then he started eating the lemon ones.
2. I locked the door and left after I had turned off the lights in the office.
3. I had borrowed Karen's newspaper before she rode it.
4. Mark had had a long hot shower before he did his exercises.
5. Barry had phoned his mother with the goos news before he went to bed.