1. The ... helps the pupils to learn. 2. The ... helps teachers, pupils and parents. 3. The ... answers the telephone and works with letters and papers. 4. The ... makes lunch every day. 5. The helps sick children.
Жил рыбак с женой злой. Пошел на рыбалку, поимал рыбку да не простую а золотую. Думал жену обрадывать. Попросила рыбка не есть её. Муж жене рассказал . А она не поверила. Пожелал мужик на обед сосиски. Вдруг три аппетитные сосиски появились. Жена разозлилась и пожелала чтоб эти сосиски оказались на кончике носа мужа. Как не пытались вытащить сосиски не получалось. И пришлось использовать последнее желание чтобы вытащить их из носа.Неожиданно сосиски исчезли. Теперь у них нет ни сосисок, ни желаний. И рыбак больше никогда не видел ту рыбу.
-hello, how did you spend your summer holidays? - hi, it was fun, I spent time with my friends and family. and you? - I also had fun. I went to China -really? did you go alone? -no, I went with my family - that's cool, what did you like most? - I liked the food, it was delicious - that's nice! I wish I could go abroad. - dont worry, maybe next summer you will travel -that's true. but I still had fun with my friends . I wish you were here with us because we played a lot -me too! but we still can spend the next holidays together
The first time she had the opportunity 6666inches was the new York city council 6of to be held in a new state and a