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People use cultural knowledge and beliefs to understand theirown experience and to guide their own actions and behaviour.when people share a culture, this generally means that they havea shared language and communication style as well as shared cus­toms, beliefs, attitudes, and values. this shared knowledge islearned and is passed on from generation to generation.culture learning is a challenge. people are not completely awareof their own culture and won’t always be able to explain it to you.culture learning takes time and patience, just as language learn­ing does. when you first started learning english, you probablydidn’t expect to become fluent in a few weeks or months. l ike­wise, culture learning takes months and even years. understand­ing how different groups of people act and behave is a challeng­ing task.when americans describe their culture, they may describe anideal and not a real culture. for example, the following are oftengiven as values of m ainstream american culture: -independence equality of all peoplehard work directness in communicationhonesty (frank, open, friendly)because people are largely unconscious of culture,, they oftendescribe an ideal when they talk about their culture. they oftendescribe what they think their culture should be like (ideal cul­ture) and not what it is actually like (real culture.) it is a greatchallenge to learn the real culture of a group of people.a cultural description is rarely true for all people in a group.that is, even if these people share some aspects of a culture, theywill not share other aspects.in culture learning, it is necessary to make general observa­tions about groups of people. if you decide that something is“american” on the basis of what only a few people do, you maybe making overgeneralizations, called stereotypes. they often cre­ate a false view of another culture. a stereotype is a general de­scription of a group of people which does not point out differencesamong individuals in that group.words such as “all,” “no,” “always,” “never” usually indicatean overgeneralization or a stereotype.“i’m tired of trying to do things the way americans do themi’m tired of trying to adapt to american culture. i want to dothings my own way! and i’m tired of speaking english! ”culture learning, like language learning, is hard work. it canbe tiring, at times fru stra tin g . this tired feeling, or culture f a ­tigue, is a normal part of adapting to a different language andculture. people use cultural knowledge and beliefs to understand theirown experience and to guide their own actions and behaviour.when people share a culture, this generally means that they havea shared language and communication style as well as shared cus­toms, beliefs, attitudes, and values. this shared knowledge islearned and is passed on from generation to generation.culture learning is a challenge. people are not completely awareof their own culture and won’t always be able to explain it to you.culture learning takes time and patience, just as language learn­ing does. when you first started learning english, you probablydidn’t expect to become fluent in a few weeks or months. l ike­wise, culture learning takes months and even years. understand­ing how different groups of people act and behave is a challeng­ing task.when americans describe their culture, they may describe anideal and not a real culture. for example, the following are oftengiven as values of m ainstream american culture: -independence equality of all peoplehard work directness in communicationhonesty (frank, open, friendly)because people are largely unconscious of culture,, they oftendescribe an ideal when they talk about their culture. they oftendescribe what they think their culture should be like (ideal cul­ture) and not what it is actually like (real culture.) it is a greatchallenge to learn the real culture of a group of people.a cultural description is rarely true for all people in a group.that is, even if these people share some aspects of a culture, theywill not share other aspects.in culture learning, it is necessary to make general observa­tions about groups of people. if you decide that something is“american” on the basis of what only a few people do, you maybe making overgeneralizations, called stereotypes. they often cre­ate a false view of another culture. a stereotype is a general de­scription of a group of people which does not point out differencesamong individuals in that group.words such as “all,” “no,” “always,” “never” usually indicatean overgeneralization or a stereotype.“i’m tired of trying to do things the way americans do themi’m tired of trying to adapt to american culture. i want to dothings my own way! and i’m tired of speaking english! ”culture learning, like language learning, is hard work. it canbe tiring, at times fru stra tin g . this tired feeling, or culture f a ­tigue, is a normal part of adapting to a different language andculture.

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 My school is the best. It has 3 floors. Primary school students study on the first floor. Our school has a big gym where different sport events and physical education lessons take place. In the assembly hall we celebrate some events. All classrooms are light and spare. In physics and chemistry classrooms there are laboratories where we do experiments. There are new computers in the information technology classroom. Students from our school often win competitions. A lot of good teachers work there. Each of them always give us interesting lessons. Our classroom teacher’s neme is Elmira Malekovna. She teaches algebra and geometry. Thanks to her our class is the most united and diligent. My class often goes to the cinema, theatres, museums and visit exhibitions at the weekend.  When the holiday starts I miss my school. I like my school very much.  

School is the most important thing in our life. It builds up our personalities and teaches us to treat the world around us properly. In school we find our first best friends and fall in our first love.

School is the place where we feel our first joy or try to hide our tears. School teaches us to overcome the obstacles in our life and not to stop where we are. There are a lot of intellectual, entertaining and sport events. These events make us more unified.

We will remember our years at school, our teachers and classmates who have become very close to us.
4,8(72 оценок)
My name is Nastya. I am 14. I am an 8th grade pupil of school number 36 in Astana. My school has 2 floors. On the 1st floor has elementary school classes. Our school has a big gym. It is for physical education classes and sport competitions. In the assembly hall we  have different celebrations. The classes are very wide and light. In the Physics and Chemistry classes we have laboratories where we do different experiments. The IT classes have new computers. Our school has very good teachers. Every one of them teaches very interesting classes. Our class teacher's name Lydiya Nikolaevna. Thanks to her, our class is very united. I always miss school when the holiydays begin. I love my school very much.
4,6(77 оценок)
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