решить 1. I…to start a new life tomorrow.
a. was going b. am going c. shall go d. is going
2. I…a friend tomorrow. He…for the weekend.
a. shall meet/will come b. meet/comes c. shall meet/has come d. meets/is coming
3. “What…you…tonight?” “I don’t know yet.”
a. are doing b. did c. am doing d. have done
4.I can’t come tonight. I…my in-lows.
a. will visit b. am visiting c. visit d. visited
5. Look at the clouds! It…to rain.
a. rains b. will raining c. is going to d. has rained
6. “Sam is in hospital.””Oh, really? I didn’t know. I…visit him this evening.”
a. am going to b. will c.- d. plan to
7. We…to play tennis tonight.
a. are planning b. plan c. are going to plan c. go to
8. They…in the conference today.
a. will participate b. participate c. are participating d. has participated
9. 1. She to be a ballet dancer when she up.
a. go / grow b. going / grows c. goes / grows d. ’s going / grows
10. We to stay in a villa in France this summer.
a. going b. ‘re going c. to go d. go
11. I Peter tonight.
a. ‘m seeing b. see c. seeing d. to see
12. I’m going Peter tonight.
a. see b. seeing c. to see d. saw
13. Careful! The glass is fall.
a. going b. going to c. goes to d. go to
14. We to Paris this weekend.
a. going b. go c. ‘re going d. to go
15. Tom and Tim for lunch tomorrow.
a. to come b. coming c. came d. are coming
16. Where you going tonight.
a. do b. is c. does d. are
17. “ going to the party tonight?” “I am not.”
a. Whose b. Which c. Who’s d. Where
18. I’m not to buy you lunch, today.
a. go b. going c. goes d. to go
19. A: What is the weather like tomorrow? B: Sunny. we go on picnic?
a. going to / Shall b. going to be / Will c. going to be / Are d. going to 20. Nicola’s to Liverpool his grandparents.
a. coming / visit b. to come/visit c. going to come / to visit d. coming / to visit
- Ты готова, Джейн?
- Да! Давайте сделаем это.
- Хорошо, запомни, ты должна все время быть осторожной на дороге. Итак, езжай по Бридж Роуд к отелю Парк.
- Хорошо! Мне надо ехать прямо, или вы хотите, чтобы я повернула направо на Эпл Стрит?
- Нет, ты не можешь повернуть направо на Эпл Стрит и ты не можешь ехать прямо. Посмотри на знак.
- Да, я могу поворачивать только налево.
- Очень хорошо! Итак, поворачивай налево на Эпл Стрит.
- Поехали...
- Прекрасно! Теперь остановись на светофоре, потому что горит красный. Когда загорится зелёный, поверни налево на Милл Стрит.
- Понятно.
- Теперь припаркуйся перед больницей.
- Но я не могу парковаться здесь! Посмотрите на знак!
- Превосходно! Поверни налево на Грин Стрит и езжай к парку.
- Хорошо.
- Осторожно! Едет машина.