До ть скласти ще 8-10 речень бажано зі словами з фото We are the freshmen now. We study at Lviv College of Building, Architecture and Design. We have a great wish to become highly qualified professionals. Modern specialist must have a good command of foreign languages, study vocabulary, language peculiarities, be able to interpret and translate needed information, improve foreign accent etc. We learn the most widespread language English. We'll do our best to know it quite well. The students want to master English because it's a mean of international communication and it helps them to be mobile and live active in pace with future.
Equivalents for these words
any hard cheese; not just for flavor; to downgrade
boiling point; don't forget the fondue set;
peeled and cut in half; B for serving you should have
1-2 baguettes; this recipe is good (suitable) for a second course or
for a snack; you will need 10 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes
for cooking; stir the fondue from time to time in the form of numbers
ry eight; if the mixture becomes very thick; do not let
fondue boil; crispy layer of cheese on the bottom; it causes a strong
no indigestion; the water coagulates the cheese into a solid mass; strong
stomach pains.
1) Любите ли вы учится? 2) Как часто получаете плохии оценки? 3) Как долго был/была хорошистом/хорошисткой или отличницей? 4) Самый любимы предмет в школе 5) Заставляют ли тебя ходить в школу? Если да, то если бы тебя это делать не заставляли, ты бы все равно ходил в школу? 6) Хотел бы ты стать учителем? 7) Любишь ли ты ходить на классный час? 8) Как часто не выполняешь домашнее задание? 9) Любишь стоять у доски? 10) Много раз был/была у директор а? 11) Обижают ли тебя одноклассники? 12) Ходишь ли в столовую? 13) Назови придмет который тебе легче всего доется 14) Сбегал ли с уроков?
any hard cheese; not just for flavor; to downgrade
boiling point; don't forget the fondue set;
peeled and cut in half; B for serving you should have
1-2 baguettes; this recipe is good (suitable) for a second course or
for a snack; you will need 10 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes
for cooking; stir the fondue from time to time in the form of numbers
ry eight; if the mixture becomes very thick; do not let
fondue boil; crispy layer of cheese on the bottom; it causes a strong
no indigestion; the water coagulates the cheese into a solid mass; strong
stomach pains.