William Shakespeare. Birthday: April 23, 1564 birthplace: Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, England;date of death: April 23, 1616 (52 years), place of death: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England occupation: English dramatist and poet
Faith in Romeo, determination, a proud sense of self-righteousness-all this makes it a shining symbol of a splendid human feelings. Heroes fight for the right to free choice in love, but they are surrounded by blind and hateful bigotry. Girl killed, barely having experienced the happiness of love, dreaming and vzleleâla in his heart. No Romeo life loses sense, since it is impossible to love twice ...The love of Romeo and Juliet-the irresistible, pure and heroic-only lasts a few days and confronts an old views and relations of medieval okočenelosti, under the authority of the Capulet and Montague. This is a real fight for freedom and human rights. The tragic deaths of children primirila in the end the feuding family, but at what cost! Dying lovers like buy a new life-of-victory of peace, friendship and love. Grief loss causes the Montague and Capulet understand that pointless strife they destroyed their own future. So it will always have a live person.
Me like thihs story becouse thith a history of love.
The BRIT school in Croydon, South London, is no ordinary school. You won’t see whole classes struggling to stay awake in French lessons. You won’t find the students at this school hanging around the park (7) __ K. when they should be in class__. You’re more likely to find students mixing tracks, practicing their dance routines or doing voice exercises. Homework could be anything from writing an episode of a soap (8) __I. or editing a pop video _ to choreographing a dance. (9) __F. hard as it may be to believe __, this is a school which kids actually want to go. There are over 750 rising stars between the ages of 14 and 19 at the BRIT school. Everyone under 16 studies normal GCSEs (10) __C. along with performing art qualifications __. After 16 you can do vocational courses and A-levels in media-related subjects (11) ___ G. like film production ___. As it’s the UK’s non-fee paying entertainment school, competition for places is tough. The children have summer holidays like other kids, but, (12) ___B. after the holidays ___, the summer is busier than ever. Each year, hundreds of teenagers, sponsored by Sky Television, follow a three-day residential course at the school, and some of these may join the school as full-time students (13) __ H. making it in the pop world __. Walk into the school on a typical day in the summer and you will find an astonishing range of activities going on. There may be the sound of bongos coming from the World Music class, (14) __A. a talk show going on in the TV studio __ or a group of students gathered in a recording studio. Everywhere you look, (15) __D. you find fascination and concentration __ – why couldn’t school always be like this.
№1 1 they wanted to see famous ballet Swan Lake. 2 yes, they did 3 The ballet was about the great love of Prince Zigfrid and a beautiful young girl Odetta by name. 4 it began at 7 5 After the first act they went to look over the theatre 6 they sow many portraits of famous opera-singers, ballet-dancers, musicians and producers 7 yes №2 pieces-piese boxes-box portraits-portrait singers-singer dancers-danser musicians-musician producers-producer walls -wall curtains-curtain flowers-flower №3 2)Мы купили билеты заранее и пришли в театр за полчаса до шоу. В фойе мы купили программу. Такие известные танцоры, как т. Ершова - Лауреат международного Конкурса, Народный Артист Республики Беларусь (Зигфрид) сотрудничали в главной роли в этом балете. Балет об великой любови принца Зигфрида и красивой молодой девушки по имени Одетта.
4)После первого акта мы пошли смотреть театр. Мы увидели ящики, Пит, бельэтажи и галереи. Там были портреты многих известных оперных певцов, артистов, музыкантов и продюсеров на стенах фойе. Среди них мы могли видеть портреты А. Савченко, р. Петрова и др. 5)Когда занавес упал в конце спектакля пришла буря аплодисментов. Казалось, что это никогда не закончится. Танцоры получил после вызова вызов. Они были представлены с большими букетами цветов. Мы также высоко оценили , с энтузиазмом. Спектакль имел успех.
Romeo and Juliet,
William Shakespeare. Birthday: April 23, 1564 birthplace: Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, England;date of death: April 23, 1616 (52 years), place of death: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England occupation: English dramatist and poet
Faith in Romeo, determination, a proud sense of self-righteousness-all this makes it a shining symbol of a splendid human feelings. Heroes fight for the right to free choice in love, but they are surrounded by blind and hateful bigotry. Girl killed, barely having experienced the happiness of love, dreaming and vzleleâla in his heart. No Romeo life loses sense, since it is impossible to love twice ...The love of Romeo and Juliet-the irresistible, pure and heroic-only lasts a few days and confronts an old views and relations of medieval okočenelosti, under the authority of the Capulet and Montague. This is a real fight for freedom and human rights. The tragic deaths of children primirila in the end the feuding family, but at what cost! Dying lovers like buy a new life-of-victory of peace, friendship and love. Grief loss causes the Montague and Capulet understand that pointless strife they destroyed their own future. So it will always have a live person.
Me like thihs story becouse thith a history of love.