Is the new theatre being built in Green Street?what is being built in Green Street?Where is the new theatre being built in Green Street? The new theatre is being built in Green Street, isn't it?Is the new theatre or cinema being built in Green Street?
The papers are being looked through
are the papers being looked through?what is being looked through?when are the papers looked through?The papers are being looked through, aren't they?are the papers or magazines being looked through?
a new programme is being shown on Channel 4
is a new programme being shown on Channel 4?what is being shown on Channel 4?where is a new programme being shown?a new programme is being shown on Channel 4, isn't it?is a new programme being shown on Channel 4 or 5?
An interesting tale is being told to my children
is an interesting tale being told to my children?what is being told to my children?when is an interesting tale being told to my children?An interesting tale is being told to my children, isn't it?is an interesting tale or biography being told to my children?
The visitors are being taken info the hall
are the visitors are being taken info the hall?who is being taken info the hall?where are the visitors being taken?The visitors are being taken info the hall, aren't they?are he visitors being taken info the hall or to the gallery?
Это? она обычно пела вечером и ее дни начинались поздно, иногда в 1 или 2 после полудня. она всегда завтракала в постели и смотрела телевизор. затем она отвозила свой форд в город. там она встречалась со своим молодым человеком и часто ходила по магазинам. у нее было много времени перед концертом, она могла плавать в бассейне, слушать музыку или пойти в свой фитнес-клуб. она много говорила по телефону со своей семьей. в 8 она была готова к концерту. она знала и пела много красивых песен. ее концерт обычно заканчивался около 11. после этого она ужинала со своими друзьями и затем ехала домой. дома она ложилась спать в 2 или 3 утра. в это время она была молодой, счастливой и никогда не уставала. сейчас она живет в сша в большом доме. сандра часто думает о молодых годах своей жизни
Она обычно пела вечером и ее дни начинались поздно, иногда в 1 или 2 после полудня. она всегда завтракала в постели и смотрела телевизор. затем она отвозила свой форд в город. там она встречалась со своим молодым человеком и часто ходила по магазинам. у нее было много времени перед концертом, она могла плавать в бассейне, слушать музыку или пойти в свой фитнес-клуб. она много говорила по телефону со своей семьей. в 8 она была готова к концерту. она знала и пела много красивых песен. ее концерт обычно заканчивался около 11. после этого она ужинала со своими друзьями и затем ехала домой. дома она ложилась спать в 2 или 3 утра. в это время она была молодой, счастливой и никогда не уставала. сейчас она живет в сша в большом доме. сандра часто думает о молодых годах своей жизни.
The new theatre is being built in Green Street.
Is the new theatre being built in Green Street?what is being built in Green Street?Where is the new theatre being built in Green Street? The new theatre is being built in Green Street, isn't it?Is the new theatre or cinema being built in Green Street?The papers are being looked through
are the papers being looked through?what is being looked through?when are the papers looked through?The papers are being looked through, aren't they?are the papers or magazines being looked through?a new programme is being shown on Channel 4
is a new programme being shown on Channel 4?what is being shown on Channel 4?where is a new programme being shown?a new programme is being shown on Channel 4, isn't it?is a new programme being shown on Channel 4 or 5?An interesting tale is being told to my children
is an interesting tale being told to my children?what is being told to my children?when is an interesting tale being told to my children?An interesting tale is being told to my children, isn't it?is an interesting tale or biography being told to my children?The visitors are being taken info the hall
are the visitors are being taken info the hall?who is being taken info the hall?where are the visitors being taken?The visitors are being taken info the hall, aren't they?are he visitors being taken info the hall or to the gallery?