1 Green roofs are a new idea. 2A green roof always has flowers on it. Green roofs make cities more attractive. 4 Green roofs are a kind of air-conditioner. 5 Sometimes animals and insects live on green roofs. 6 Green roofs are cheap to make.
1. A person who left school and is going to enter the university is an applicant
2. An exam which a student takes at the end of the fifth or fourth year course a final
3. A short note of a lecture is
4. A document which tells students what subjects they have to study is a task
5. A timetable is schedule
6. A document with student’s grades and credits a synopsis
7. A student who studies five or six days a week
8. A university teacher who gives tutorials
9. A university teacher with a high academic degree dissertation
merry (весёлый) - merrier (веселее) - the merriest (самый весёлый)
long (длинный) - longer (длиннее) - the longest (самый длинный)
beautiful (красивый) - more beautiful (красивее) - the most beautiful (самый красивый)
mighty (мощный) - mightier (мощнее) - the mightiest (самый мощный)
creative (изобретательный) - more creative (изобретательнее) - the most creative (самый изобретательный)
cool (прохладный) - cooler (прохладнее) - the coolest (самый прохладный)
frosty (морозный) - frostier (морознее) - the frostiest (самый морозный)
comfortable (удобный) - more comfortable (удобнее) - the most comfortable (самый удобный)
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