Once in a cocoon there was a small gap, happened to be passing by people long hours stood and watched through the little slit trying to get the butterfly. It was a long time butterfly seemed to have left their efforts, and the crack was as small. It seemed that the butterfly did everything he could, and that no matter what else she had no more strength.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. Butterfly immediately came out. But her body was weak and frail, her wings are transparent, and could barely move.
The man continued to watch, thinking that the wings of a butterfly to finish and get stronger and it will fly. Nothing happened!
The balance of the butterfly life dragged on the ground her weak body, its unmounted wings. She was not able to fly.
And all because people wanting to help her, did not understand that the effort to enter through the narrow slit of the cocoon, you need a butterfly that the liquid from the body turned into wings, and that the butterfly was able to fly. Life makes a butterfly hard to leave this shell, so that it can grow and develop.
Sometimes that force is necessary to us in life. If we are allowed to live, not meeting with difficulties, we would have been deprived. We could not be so strong as now. We could never fly. Вот, но текст может не очень точный, за это извиняюсь))
Once in the cocoon appeared malenkaya schel , sluchayno prohodyvshyy past dolhye Clock man standing and nablyudal , As through эtu malenkuyu schel pыtaetsya Exit butterflies . Much of time passed , butterflies How budto forsaken svoy usylyya and schel ostavalas òàêîé same malenkoy . It seemed butterflies sdelala is something she could, and something us on something else in nee It would not Bolsheviks forces. Togda man reshyl help the butterfly , on perochynnыy took a knife and razrezal cocoon. Butterflies totchas vыshla . But uh Taureans áûëî slabыm and nemoschnыm , uh wings bыly prozrachnыmy and edva dvyhalys . Man prodolzhal nablyudat , I think , that SHM- SHM butterfly wings and raspravyatsya okrepnut and îíà uletyt . Nothing not sluchylos ! The remaining life butterflies dragged along the ground slaboe own way calves svoy neraspravlennыe wings . Îíà so i do not smohla letat . And after all , that man , hey zhelaya Help, not ponymal of something usylye , ODO Exit through uzkuyu schel cocoon, butterfly neobhodimo , ODO fluid of the body forward in the wings and butterflies ODO smohla letat . Life forced butterfly with hard shell эtu raff , ODO îíà could grow up and razvyvatsya . Sometimes ymenno usylye neobhodimo us in life. If we áû áûëî áû permitted to live without vstrechayas with difficulty , We bыly áû obdelenы . We do not smohly áû byt such sylnыmy , As now. We nykohda not smohly áû letat .