Read the part of the text again and mark the sentences with True/False/Not Given
according to the text. :)
Online forum "Memorable weekend". Our
special Day-Off Package at Taraz Hall
Apartments will help to make a weekend
memorable. You can win a special free ticket for
the exciting tour around the world. Post your
"memorable weekend" story. The winner will be
chosen randomly.
Taraz Hall Apartments offer special services on
Only Taraz Hall clients could win a world round
The winner will be chosen by chance.
The project financed by the government was rather profitable. определение
Buying the goods we take into account both the quality and the price. обстоятельство
We are buying the foodstuffs in the nearest shop. часть глагола сказуемого Будущее часто финансируется
Проект, финансируемый правительством, был весьма прибыльным.
Покупая товары, мы принимаем во внимание как качество, так и цену.
Мы покупаем продукты питания в ближайшем магазине.