Asanali Ashimov is very famous artist in Kazakhstan.
He was born on May 8, 1939 in Baikadam, Kazakh SSR, USSR.
He was good at acting.
He is famous, because he starred in many films.
There are his most famous works:
В одном районе (1960, drama)
Гонцы спешат 1980 (1980, drama)
Год дракона (1981, drama)
Мальчик мой! (1962, comedy)
Следы уходят за горизонт (1964, drama, melodrama)
На диком бреге Иртыша (1959, drama)
Тревожное утро (1967, drama, history)
Песня зовет (1961)
На перевале (1986, drama)
Перекресток (1970, drama, melodrama)
Кыз-Жибек (1970, drama, melodrama)
Аруах (2018, drama)
Транссибирский экспресс (1977, action, drama)
Бросок, или Всё началось в субботу (1976, fantasy)
Кемпір (2014, comedy)
Волчий след (2009, action, drama)
Конец атамана (1970, drama)
Маньчжурский вариант (1989, action)
надеюсь :)
ne of my favorite things to do is to watch movies. I don’t mind spending a couple of hours on watching a really good film.
I’ve been J.R.R. Tolkien’s fan since childhood that’s why I couldn’t miss a chance to watch movies filmed by Peter Jackson, a famous Hollywood director. The last two parts of “The Hobbit” I watched in the cinema but before that I had rewatched the first part at home. After that I decided to watch “the Lord of the Rings”.I was sure that every time they made a movie based on a book it never came out good. They have to fit the whole book in a two hour movie that’s why they have to cut out a lot of parts and make it much shorter. That’s why the story doesn’t look so appealing and attractive. But I have changed my mind when I watched Jackson’s movies.