Відповідь:Ariana Grande is the world’s famous American singer. She is young, slim and really beautiful. Her full name is Ariana Grande-Butera. She is from the USA, Florida. The singer was born on the 26th of June, in 1993. She has got one elder brother and 9 pet dogs. She doesn’t eat meat, fish and eggs. Ariana’s hobbies are swimming and watching films. She can sing and dance very well.
Ариана Гранде – всемирно известная американская певица. Она молода, стройна и очень красива. Ее полное имя – Ариана Гранде-Бутера. Она родом из США, Флориды. Певица родилась 26 июня 1993 года. У нее есть один старший брат и 9 собак. Она не ест мясо, рыбу и яйца. Увлечения Арианы – это плавание и просмотр фильмов. Она умеет прекрасно петь и танцевать.
ответ: About Johnny Depp
From the age of 12 Johnny started smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Soon he was expelled from school. Depp has poor eyesight – he has always seen badly from the left eye since childhood. He is short-sighted in his right eye and thus he constantly wears glasses.
Understanding that such a lifestyle is a straight path to death, Johnny started playing music. His mother gave him a guitar that he learned to play by himself. Soon, he joined the group "The Kids" performing in nightclubs.
At the age of 20, Depp married a makeup artist Lori Anne Allison, who was five years older. She introduced Johnny to Nicolas Cage who persuaded Depp to meet with his agent. Cage’s agent arranged a part in the film "The Nightmare on Elm Street," which was the first actor's work of Johnny.
The television series "Jump Street, 21" gave Johnny Depp the status of a teenage idol to girls, which he could not stand and get rid of it.
His first nomination for the Golden Globe, Depp received for the lead role in a film “Edward Scissorhands”. Many of Depp’s other famous films made viewers of different ages and genres love Johnny.
n 1998 he married Vanessa Parady, a French actress and singer. They had two children. In June 19, 2012 they broke up . In 2015, Depp married Amber Hurd, but in May of the following year they divorced.
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