Put each verb in brackets (1–30) into a suitable verb form. (0) – is done for you as an example. «Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы»!
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The Unfortunate Tandem
It happened while Mr Harris and his wife sitting on the tandem behind him (0) __were cycling__ (to cycle) through Holland. As the roads (1) (to be) stony, Harris (2) (to ask) his wife to sit tight. She (3) (not/ can) explain later why she (4) (to think) her husband (5) (to order) her to jump down. And she did so. Harris (6) (to go on) without turning his head. He (7) (to believe) his wife (8) (to sit) behind him.
Mrs Harris (9) (to find) herself on the road alone.
At first she (10) (to suppose) her husband (11) (to want) simply to show his skill and he (12) (to return) soon when he (13) (to reach) the hill. But her husband (14) (to disappear) in the wood.
She (15) (to begin) to cry as she (16) (to have) no money, and she (17) (not know) Dutch.
People (18) (to think) she (19) (to lose) something so they (20) (to take) her to the police station.
Meanwhile, Harris (21) (to cycle) with great pleasure. But soon he (22) (to feel) wrong. He (23) (to look back) but (24) (to see) nobody there.
While thinking how to find his wife he (25) (to meet) some local people. They (26) (to be sure) he (27) (to find) his wife at the police station. There he (28) (to ask) when, where and why he (29) (to lose) his wife.
The meeting of Mr Harris and his wife (30) (to be) not a tender one.
Be careful on the roads!
It happened while Mr Harris and his wife sitting on the tandem behind him 0 (to cycle) through Holland.
1. The managing director didn't tell us about the change of his plans.
Did the managing director tell us about the change of his plans?
2. My boss didn't phone me yesterday.
Did my boss phone me yesterday?
3. We weren't on a business trip last month.
Were we on a business trip last month?
4. The secretary hasn't sent the documents by airmail.
Has the secretary sent the documents by airmail?
II. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от прилагательных:
- old - older - the oldest
- expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
- good - better - the best
- cheap - cheaper - the cheapest
- modern - more modern - the most modern
- bad - worse - the worst
III. Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody.
1. Is there anything you'd like to clarify?
2. I'm afraid there is something wrong with your order.
3. Will anybody help me with the documents?
4. I must go to the airport to meet Mr. White.
IV. Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильные предлоги:
1. We are interested in receiving offers from British companies.
2. Can I speak to Mr. Petrov, please?
3. In the summer, they often go to the south.
4. My birthday is on July 9.
V. Письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы:
Британский народ, вероятно, является самым активным читателем газет в мире. Это объясняет тот факт, что существует достаточно много изданий различных видов. В общем, все газеты делятся на две группы. С одной стороны, есть "качественные" газеты, которые публикуют аналитические статьи по серьезным темам, связанным с экономикой, политикой и деловыми вопросами. Среди качественных газет находятся The Times, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Independent. Их тираж не большой, но их репутация непоколебима. С другой стороны, есть "популярные" газеты или "таблоиды", которые считаются развлекательными, а не информативными. Люди покупают такие газеты, чтобы узнать последние новости о спортивных событиях, личной жизни знаменитостей и слухов. Тираж таких газет гораздо больше по сравнению с "качественными" газетами. Газеты этого типа в названии имеют слово "daily".
1. Какие виды газет существуют в Соединенном Королевстве?
В Соединенном Королевстве существуют два вида газет: качественные газеты и популярные газеты (таблоиды).
2. В чем специализируются "качественные" газеты?
"Качественные" газеты специализируются на публикации аналитических статей по серьезным темам, таким как экономика, политика и деловые вопросы.
3. Какова главная цель "популярных" газет?
Главная цель "популярных" газет - развлекать, а не информировать. Люди покупают такие газеты, чтобы узнать последние новости о спортивных событиях, личной жизни знаменитостей и слухах.
4. Что можно сказать о тираже развлекательных газет?
Тираж развлекательных газет гораздо больше по сравнению с "качественными" газетами.
VI. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие слова из рамки:
1. Britain has a rich dramatic tradition.
2. There are some 300 drama theatres intended for professional use.
3. About 100 of them are permanently occupied by subsidised companies, including the Royal National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company, whose main base is in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace.
4. Over 40 resident theatre companies receive subsidies from the Arts Council and regional arts boards.