Напишите такое же письмо я плачу никто не dear sue,thanks for your email! how are you? as for me, i'mlooking forward to a fabulous family weekend.my brothers are going to be here on saturday morning.mum and dad have some errands to run in the morning, sothey are going to come sometime before noon. we are goingto have lunch together at a restaurant. in the afternoon, weare going to visit the art gallery because mum wants to seethe paintings there. in the evening, we are going to enjoy aperformance at the local theatre. on sunday morning we aregoing to go shopping, then have a picnic in sherwood forestbefore everyone heads back home in the afternoon.well, i think that's about it. how are you going to spendyour weekend? write soon.love,janeнапишите такое же
If I was kidnapped by aliens, I would be very surprised, first of all. The second thing I would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. It could be a sign-language or something like it. Thirdly, I am a curious person, so I would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. I would certainly ask them is 'Star Wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any Jedi. It would be a great experience, I reckon!