1. William asked his sister what she expected him to do.
2. The teacher asked who was absent that day.
3. The mother asked Betty not to touch the knife.
4. Lucy said to Ann that she was very glad to meet her.
5. Mary asked her mother if dinner was ready.
6. Mr. Ross asked John what he was going to be.
7. The man said that he could give the answer only next day.
8. Jim said that mother was putting Nelly to bed.
9. Robert asked the policeman if he would show him the way to the bus station.
10. The father told the family to get the things ready by two o'clock.
2 Do I have to go shopping with you?
3 In the UK you must drive on the left.
4 You mustn't smoke on planes.
5 Tom doesn't have to wait for us.
6 She can borrow my mobile.
7 No, you can't come in.
Утвердительные предложения: Отрицательные предложения
1. I/you/he/she (Tom) PERSONAL PRONOUNS I/you/he/she (Tom)
2 can/must/have to MODAL VERB can't/mustn't/doesn't have to
3 go/drive/borrow VERB smoke/wait/come in
В вопросительных предложениях модальный глагол идет перед личным местоимением (или перед именем человека)
что ты написала?