British Cuisine - practice and tradition cooking in the UK. [1] For the established reputation of British cuisine is not too sophisticated, but pay attention to the quality of ingredients, which are usually produced locally. [2] [3] Sauces and condiments traditional British cooking is also relatively simple and they are used to accentuate the natural flavors of food, and do not change it. In the heyday of Great Britain as the colonial power, Britain was heavily influenced cuisine cooking "foreign" countries, especially India. [4] So for example the Anglo-Indian dish of chicken - Eng. tikka masala - is a real British "national dish." For British cuisine has established stigma "unimaginative and heavy", she has gained international recognition only as a full breakfast and a traditional Christmas dinner. This reputation is especially strengthened during the First and Second World Wars, when the UK government introduced rationing of food. Traditional British dishes include fish and chips, shepherd's pie and mash.
Russian cuisine - traditional Russian cuisine of the people. Her dishes and taste accents vary depending on geographic location. Russian cuisine has incorporated elements of French cuisine and specialties from the former Soviet Union and the various peoples of Russia.
Abroad, Russian cuisine is associated primarily with such dishes and foods like pancakes, eggs, cakes. [Citation needed 208 days]
A distinctive feature of the Russian peasant cuisine dishes - hardly found such a method as frying. Typically, the food was being prepared in the oven, so it is widely used by boiling, braising, languor. [1] Also for Russian cuisine is characterized by harvesting vegetables and fruits by fermentation, pickling and urinating. [2] However, for the modern variants Russian dishes frying is an equal cooking process, along with the rest. In particular, are frying pancakes and hash browns, eggs, many kinds of meat dishes
1.I always try to finish tasks I have planned to do
2.I am never rude with other people
3.He sometimes lifts his friend after work
4.I'm seeing my parents this weekend
5.I'm going to study Spanish in the near future
6.He is sleeping now, so call him later
1-3- Present Simple
4-6-Present Continuous