Dear PeterLast time you asked me to tell you about city where l live. Well, I live in pretty sunny town near Sochi. Actually it is quite developed city with everything you need and even more. We have a lot of entertainment centers, cinemas, sights and a couple of theaters. It's a very old city with a good and interesting history. Although we are not very popular in a tourist sphere. Anyway in my town you can do almost everything what you want except we haven't got sea. But we have an old beautiful Kremle (извини, не могу быть точна уверена, в написания слова Кремль по английски) which is under UNESCO protection. The best time to visit my city it's an early autumn. But you know that I'm waiting for you at any time! Lots of love
My school is not far from my house. Моя школа находится недалеко от школы. So I go to school by foot. Поэтому я хожу в школу пешком. I leave my house at 8. Я выхожу из дома в 8. In the yard I meet with my friends. Во дворе я встречаюсь со своими друзьями. We go to school together. Мы идем в школу вместе. We leave the yard and turn left. Мы выходим ос двора и поворачиваем налево. Then we cross the road twice. Затем дважды пересекаем дорогу. Then we go on the sidewalk. Потом мы идем по тротуару. We go pass shops and different houses. Мы проходим мимо магазинов и разных зданий. It takes me ten minutes to get to school. Я трачу 10 минут чтобы добраться до школы. It is always fun to go to school with my friends. Всегда весело идти в школу со своими друзьями.
Summer is a wonderful but at the same time very hot season.
In the June we will go to Dubai.I go to this country with my friends.My friend’s parents are friends .So every summer we go to different countries.
I think we are having a great time.