The drivers are repairing their cars The drivers are repairing their cars, aren't they? Are the drivers repairing their cars? Are the drivers or teachres repairing their cars? Who is repairing their cars? What are the drivers repairing?
The scientist would like to catch this butterfly The scientist would like to catch this butterfly, wouldn't they? Would the scientist like to catch this butterfly? Would the scientist or the driver like to catch this butterfly? What would the scientist like to catch? Who would like to catch this butterfly?
Charles has just finished his translation Charles has just finished his translation, hasn't he? Has Charles just finished his translation? Has Charles orf Dennis just finished his translation? What has Charles just finished? Who has just finished his translation?
They haven't discussed the problem yet They haven't discussed the problem yet, have they? Have they discussed the problem yet? Who has discussed the problem yet? What have they discussed yet? Have they or we discussed the problem yet?
1.The Houses of Parliament, standing on the left bank of the river Thames, are not very old buildings. - определение - Здания парламента, стоящие на левом берегу реки Темзы, не очень старые. 2. Being situated on the river Thames, London is also a large port. - обстоятельство - Будучи расположен на реке Темзе, Лондон также большой порт. 3. All around London there are plaques marking houses where famous people lived. - определение - По всему Лондону есть таблички, обозначающие дома, где жили знаменитые люди.
Такие ответы: 1. were 2. played