Yeah sometimes I do
Solo only when I was a child.
In my adult life it was only when my kids were little so I did it with them, or when on a date.
It's quite rare e.g. every few years but every now and then it might be a trip to the seaside or large park, most likely with a date and she's either never flown a kite or she has but it just so happens to be windy, a shop nearby is selling kites and so on the interest of being cute and romantic and something nice to do on said date, we fly a kite.
I've never bought and flown one solo in my adult life — I was a child when I flew one solo — in my adult life it's only been in the context of a date or with my kids when they were small.
Задание 2. Напишите электронное письмо другу по переписке о вашем районе (60-80 слов). Напишите о вашем соседстве, окрестности, следуя вопросам и плану BHизy. Следуйте плану. Следующие вопросы вам организовать вашу тему. Я живу ... Моя местность ... Есть ... Есть ... Нет / нет ... Люди здесь ... . Мне очень нравится мой район, потому что ... Привет,
Пункт 1: поприветствовать друга по переписке; извиняюсь за то, что не написал ранее с указанием причин
Пункт 2: опишите свой дом (расположение, комнаты) и окрестности (магазины, люди и т. Д.), О своих чувствах
Пункт 3: заключительные замечания
Не блогадари)
ответ: it is important to learn foreign languages, because they help us in everything. for example, go to university abroad, meet foreigners, live abroad. im not so good at foreign languages, but i try in english. i think we must learn other languages,
especially english language. because english is our future. english - is old and at the same time its modern language. i think it is the greatest language.