My cousin has got
I havent got
I have got
Jantai hasnt got
It hasnt got
Farhad has got
Timur has got
1. His desk is .AT.. the window. (in, at)
2. The lamp is .OVER. the table. (under, over)
3. There are a lot of cars .IN.. the streets nowadays. (on, in)
4. There are no chestnut treesIN FRONT OF ... the house. (on, under, in front of)
5. You can find your photo .AMONG.. the pages of this book. ( among, between)
6. Max is not ..AT. home. He is .AT.. college now. He'll be here IN... an hour. (in, on, at, to)
7. There is a big round table .IN THE MIDDLE OF.. the room. (under, between, in the middle of)
8. There are a lot of good sportsmen .AMONG.. the students of our group. ( through, among)
9. I can't see the film. You are .IN FRONT OF.. the TV! (in front of, opposite)
10. Look! There is a kite OVER... that high tree! ( under, over, behind)
11. Cows are sacred animals in India. They can lie .ACROSS. the roads and stop the traffic. (along,
12. Please take all these dirty plates OFF... the table and put them INTO ... the sink. ( into, off, to)
13. The Earth moves ..ROUND. the Sun. (at, round)
14. They often visit their grandparents .ON.. weekends. ( at, on, in)
15.IN 1558 Giovanni della Cosa wrote a book "Etiquette”. (on, at, in)
16. I usually get up early IN... the morning, but ..IN. Sundays I like to sleep a lot. ( at, on, in)
17. I'll help you IN... a moment! (on, in, at)
18. My mum wakes up AT... half past six. ( in, on, at)
19. Taras Shevchenko was born ..ON. 9th of March, 1814 and died .IN.. 1861. (at, in, on)
20. We come home from tennis club .AT.. five o'clock IN... the afternoon. (on, in, at)
Объяснение:Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы
это означает то же самое, что и первое. Израсходовать
до трех слов.
1 Актриса была настолько талантлива, что выиграла
Она была
актриса, которая выиграла
2 На улицах было столько машин, что
он пришел в театр поздно.
На улицах было много машин, и
он пришел в театр поздно.
3 Мы хотели бы знать, что заставило вас бросить школу
исследовательской группы.
Мы хотели бы знать
выпадение из исследовательской группы.
4 У Карен так много компакт-дисков, что у нее нет места
для всех.
Карен ...
... компакт-дисков, которые она
нет места для всех.
1) Oksana has got a runny nose. Now she's taking a medicine.
2) My cousin has got two bikes but he doesn't want to share one of them with me.
3) I'm thirsty I haven't got enough money to buy a packet of juice.
4) - What's wrong? -I have got something in my eye.
5) Jantai hasn't got a car. He walks everywhere.
6) It's a nice house but it hasn't got a garden.
7) Farhad has got a judo lesson today.
8) Timur has got lots of electronic things in his house