1. Popular hobbies for a teenager are: walking with friends, playing online games, different types of spots.
2. My friend is very fond of modern dances and every time she goes to her training with joy. She also always loves to walk with her dog and take care of her.
3. I use my smartphone every day. Because there I communicate with my friends and I also learn a lot of information. This is the best way to connect with your guardians and friends.
4. The downside to watching TV is that you need to know the exact schedule every time your favorite show comes out. In addition, there are programs on TV that are not at all interesting to you.
5. The advantages of gadgets are that it is easy to communicate with them and you can call and send messages to another point on earth in a matter of seconds. There are video games on the gadget that you can play in your free time.Another easy study of the lessons, if the teacher at school did not explain something, you can see the solution on the Internet.
6. No, I don't like studying online. Because well, everyone has video lessons and the student independently studies the topic, it is very difficult for him. At that moment when at school the teacher can tell everything and show all the solutions
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1) the budget is drawn up for a certain period of time. Depending on the goals, we can draw up a budget for a variety of periods (week, month, quarter, half year, year, several years).
2) If you do not control your money, then money controls you. How? Like this:
Didn't keep track of expenses and income
Formulated inappropriate budget
Not enough money for groceries
Get out of your savings
You can't save up, take a loan
Not enough money, quit saving to pay off the loan
No savings, in an emergency you need a loan again
3) When a person accustomed to poverty unexpectedly receives a large sum of money, he immediately begins to throw it right and left. According to statistics, the average time for which ALL winners of large sums in the lottery go broke is three years. And one of the main reasons why this happens is that they do not have a habit of saving.
4) personally, I spend money when necessary, and in extreme cases I spend on myself if there is enough money to take what you want or would like.
5) Yes, in order to leave money for a very difficult time, for example, during quarantine, many people are left without work, money, borrow money, knowing that they are deprived of work and not knowing where to get money to give it back.
6) family, clothing, food, entertainment (as a last resort, if possible), etc.
6.What are the government's plans for education
11.Are you looking for anything in particular
12.What did the Finance Minister say about the tax cuts.