Where is Nick?-He is playing in the room.
2.Come here!Do You see the bird in the tree?
3.Can you speak up?I don’t hear you.
4.At the moment I am writing a grammar test.
5.My father always cleans the floor with the vacuum cleaner.
6.Is Your brother sitting in the garden now?
7.We write and send letters every week.
8.does He always read newspapers?
9.They often don’t watch TV.
10.Listen!What book are they reading?
11.I want to speak to you now!
12.Look!They aren’t washing up!
13.Do they often sing songs at the English lesson?
14.My brother doesn’t know how to play football.
15.I am not sleeping now.
Present Simple
I usually roll down the window in summer. Does he often refuse to cooperate? She doesn’t balance on one foot. When do usually children start crawling?
Present Continuous
Somebody is chasing me right now. Who is gathering berries in the forest now? We aren’t steering a boat at the moment. Is he overtaking another car now?
Past Continuous
Who was reversing the paper in my printer when he came in? We were exchanging civilities the whole evening. They weren’t celebrating a contruct at 10:00 p.m yesterday. Were you braking sharply ?
1. his
2. my
3. your
4. his
5. his
6. him
7. our
8. your
9. their
10. her
11. us