Exercise 1
Fill the gaps with possessive pronouns.
1. Nick has got a dog. His dog is clever.
2. Have you got a room? Is your room big?
3. Ann has a lamp. Is it her lamp?
4. I have got a book. My book is interesting.
5. They have got a good room. Is their room big?
6. This is my mum. Her name's Jess.
7. These are my sisters. Their names are Mary and Dina.
8. This is my cousin. His name's Fred .
Exercise 2
Choose the correct possessive pronouns.
Если СРАЗУ ПОСЛЕ притяжательного местоимения нет существительного, то используем абсолютные формы (с -s на конце)
1. Is this your book?
2. It's their door, not ours.
3. They're new pupils and I don't know their names.
4. My flat is bigger than hers, but hers is nicer.
5. That's not my book. Mine is new.
6. They took our books and we took theirs.
7. Are these pencils hers?
8. Is this your house or theirs?
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with correct possessive pronouns.
1. It is my house. It is mine.
2. It is his house. It is his.
3. It is their house. It is theirs.
4. It is her house. It is hers.
5. It is our house. It is ours.
6. It is your house. It is yours.
Tom can't play football he's hurt his leg
Том не может играть в футбол он повредил ногу
I can't find my movie ticket
я не могу найти свой билет в кино
can't you go to the pharmacy?
ты не можешь пойти в аптеку?
I can't do my homework I don't have time.
я не могу сделать домашнее задание у меня нет времени
The teacher can't come to the phone.
Учитель не может подойти к телефону.
can you serve my coffee?
можешь ли ты подать мое кофе?
I can help you advertise
Я могу тебе сделать рекламу
can you make me an Apple pie?
можешь приготовить мне яблочный пирог?
she can read the alphabet
она может читать алфавит
My mother can look after your grandmother
Моя мама может присмотреть за твоей бабушкой
Если тебе то отметь решение как лучшее буду очень благодарна!!!
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