I must go now. It’s too late. – Я должен идти сейчас. Уже слишком поздно.
You must find a new secretary. – Вы должны найти нового секретаря.
He must earn money for his family. – Он должен зарабатывать деньги для своей семьи.
Children must clean their room. – Дети должны убирать свою комнату (общепринятое правило).
They must be careful with this man. – Они должны быть осторожнее с этим мужчиной
I must hurry. I must not be late. – Я должен спешить.Мне нельзя опаздывать.
You must not walk on the grass. – Вы не должны ходить по траве.
must not = mustn’t (сокращение)
You mustn’t speak here. – Вам нельзя здесь разговаривать.
Students mustn’t leave the classroom before the bell rings. – Студентам не разрешается покидать класс, пока не прозвенит звонок.
You should not walk on the grass. – Вам не стоит ходить по траве.
Students ought not to leave the classroom before the bell rings. – Студентам не следует покидать класс пока не прозвенит звонок.
Soon we will go to my class trip. There would be sitting around the campfire, sleeping in tents, and swim, well, still need to take some measures of caution. First you can not make a noise, as the animals are poorly otreogirovat, and secondly you can not throw trash, also can not be left burning fires, and take with them the animals, disrupt plant and tsvety.A here's what you need in the road: a flashlight, a tent, food, warm clothes, matches, first aid kit, and t.dalee ... Well, it's time to go! :)))
I write a letter every day.Present Simple
I am writing a letter now. Present Continuous
I have written a letter. Present Perfect
I have been writing a letter for two hours. Present Perfect Continuous
I wrote a letter yesterday. Past Simple
I was writing a letter yesterday at 5. Past Continuous
I had written a letter by the time you came. Past Perfect
I had been writing a letter for two hours by 5 o’clock. Past Perfect Continuous
I will write a letter tomorrow . Future Simple
I will be writing a letter tomorrow at 5. Future Continuous
I will have written a letter by the time you come. Future Perfect
I will have been writing a letter for two hours by 5 o’clock. Future Perfect Continuous