1) (noun) dark powder that is left after something has burned in a fire - ash (пепель)
2) (verb) goes up- rises (поднимается)
3) (noun) very hot water that has changed into white glass - steam (пар)
4) (verb) put under the ground - bury (похоронить/похоронят) или buried (похоронен)
5) (noun) something bursting into lots of small pieces with a loud noise - explosion (взрыв)
6) (noun) the top part of something - surface (поверхность)
7) (verb) go down quickly- fall (упасть/упадёт)
8) (verb) arrives at or touches - reaches (достигает)
9) (noun) below the surface of the earth - underground (под землей)
10) (noun) not gas and not solid , for example, water - liquid (жидкость)
11) (verb) makes, becomes or changes into - forms (формирует)
12) (noun) an opening in something - hole (отверствие)
в п.4 не знаю в какой форме должен быть глагол "put", так как он во всех формах одинаково пишется, это неправильный глагол. Вам нужно в самом тексте найти и посмотреть в какой форме стоит глагол "bury", скорее всего в форме (buried)
4)Ann has a bike last year .
5)My mother learned French at school
6)We swam a lot last summer
7)My friends sang at the last concert .
8)They danced at the party yesterday
9)You phoned me an hour ago
10)My pet stayed in the country last summer
Past indefinite легче же просто Past Simple строится на окончании V(гл.)+ed либо II форма глагола.
4)Ann has. Если подлежащее можно заменить на he, she, it, тогда ставим has
5) learned это в времени. если же тебе надо в настоящем то learning. но в вопросе ты написал поставьте в Past Simple.
6)ну тут просто. ставим swim во 2 форму . у него есть 3 формы swim swam swum.
7) тут точно так же как в 6. ставим во 2 форму. у него их 3 sing sang sung.
8) просто добавляем окончание ed т.к у него нет 2 формы.
9)идентично 8.
10)идентично 8 и 9.
Можно лучший ответ мне не хватает на повышение :)
1. My father had perfect confidence in my ability to succeed in studies.
2. He is very ambitious personality, he has decided to run for mayor recently.
3. She speaks not only her native language, Russian, but also English and Spanish.
4. I can't deal with this right now, I don’t have much time.
5. Lizy has grasped spoken language much faster than English grammar.
6. There was a decrease in the number of people with influenza in last month.
7. Feminists insist that women should have equal rights with men.
8. You definitely will improve in health, if you quit smoking.
9. The author identified himself with the protagonist of his novel.
10. The new administration has made the decision to lessen the hours of our work.