Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka (Poskrebysheva), known under the network pseudonym "Doctor Liza", was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. Elizaveta Glinka's mother is a renowned doctor, author of books on cooking and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva.
After graduating from the Second Moscow State Medical Institute named after Pirogov in 1986, specializing in “pediatric resuscitation specialist-anesthesiologist,” she and her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glinka, left for the United States. There she began working in a hospice and received her second medical degree in palliative medicine, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School.
In the late nineties, Elizaveta Glinka and her husband, who got a job in Ukraine, moved to Kiev. There she became the organizer of the patronage palliative care service and the first free hospice in Ukraine at the oncological center. After the end of her husband's contract, the family returned to the United States, but Elizaveta Glinka continued to support the Kiev hospice.
In 2007, after returning to Moscow, she founded and headed the Fair Help charity foundation. In the fall of 2012, she was included in the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC).
With the beginning of the armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine, Elizaveta Glinka took an active part in providing assistance to residents of the unrecognized republics, including in the evacuation of wounded and sick children to Russia. Elizaveta Glinka was a member of the board of the Vera Hospice Foundation, established in 2006. In addition to Kiev and Moscow, she oversaw the work of hospices in other cities of Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia.
On the morning of December 25, 2016, a Tu-154 plane of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed over the Black Sea near Sochi, including Elizaveta Glinka, who was accompanying a humanitarian cargo of medicines to a Syrian clinic. Elizaveta Glinka left behind three sons (two relatives and one adopted).
Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and was living with my mother. One morning in April while I was reading a newspaper I came across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver. It had been discovered three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Siffolk, but the discovery for some reason had been kept secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure has been sent to the British Museum. The name of the farmer was given as Gordon Butcher. The moment I read the story I sprang up from my chair and rushed out to my car.
Тридцать лет назад я был еще не женат и жил с мамой. Однажды утром в апреле, когда я читал газету, я наткнулся на информацию о замечательной находке римского серебра. Это было обнаружено три года ранее фермером из Милденхолла, в графстве Саффолк, но открытие почему-то держали в тайне до сего времени. Газетная статья сообщала что клад был отправлен в Британский музей. Имя фермера было Гордон Мясник. В тот момент как я прочитал историю, я вскочил с кресла и бросился к машине.
1. Эти ботинки слишком велики; покажи мне поменьше 2. Нужно быть очень внимательным при пересечении улицы. 3. Никто никогда не знает результат эксперимента. 4. Этот компьютер является более мощным, чем тот, который нам нужен. 5. Эта антенна позволяет получить очень слабые сигналы. 6. Можно ожидать улучшения погоды в течение двух дней. 7. Мы хотим, купить большой телевизор для гостиной и поменьше для кухни. 8. Надо учиться, чтобы сдать экзамены. 9. Это ясно без объяснения причин. 10. Методы, которые они используют не те, которые приводят к успеху.
Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka (Poskrebysheva), known under the network pseudonym "Doctor Liza", was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. Elizaveta Glinka's mother is a renowned doctor, author of books on cooking and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva.
After graduating from the Second Moscow State Medical Institute named after Pirogov in 1986, specializing in “pediatric resuscitation specialist-anesthesiologist,” she and her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glinka, left for the United States. There she began working in a hospice and received her second medical degree in palliative medicine, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School.
In the late nineties, Elizaveta Glinka and her husband, who got a job in Ukraine, moved to Kiev. There she became the organizer of the patronage palliative care service and the first free hospice in Ukraine at the oncological center. After the end of her husband's contract, the family returned to the United States, but Elizaveta Glinka continued to support the Kiev hospice.
In 2007, after returning to Moscow, she founded and headed the Fair Help charity foundation. In the fall of 2012, she was included in the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC).
With the beginning of the armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine, Elizaveta Glinka took an active part in providing assistance to residents of the unrecognized republics, including in the evacuation of wounded and sick children to Russia. Elizaveta Glinka was a member of the board of the Vera Hospice Foundation, established in 2006. In addition to Kiev and Moscow, she oversaw the work of hospices in other cities of Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia.
On the morning of December 25, 2016, a Tu-154 plane of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed over the Black Sea near Sochi, including Elizaveta Glinka, who was accompanying a humanitarian cargo of medicines to a Syrian clinic. Elizaveta Glinka left behind three sons (two relatives and one adopted).