Excuse me do you speak English?
"Where's Tom?" "he's having" a shower I don't watch television very often
Listen! Somebody is singing.
Sandra is tired . She wants to go home now.
How often do you read a newspaper?
"Excuse me, but you are sitting in my plase" "Oh I am sorry"
I'm sorry, I do not understand. Can you speak more slowly?
It's late. I am going home now. Are you coming with me?
What time does your father finish work every day?
You can turn off the radio. I am not listening to it.
"Where's Paul?" "In the kithen. He is cooking something"
Martin does not usually drive to work. He usually walks.
Sue does not like coffee. She prefers tea.
Формула: I am + глагол-ing
Формула: He/She/It is + глагол-ing
Формула: We/You/They are + глагол-ing
Ilia Efimovich Repin was born in 1844 in a small Russia town of Tchuguev in the family of a military settler. As a boy he was trained as an icon painter. At the age of 19 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His arrival to the capital coincided with an important event in artistic life of the 60s, the so-called "Riot of the Fourteen" when 14 young artists left the Academy having refused to use mythological subjects for their diploma works. They stood on the point that art should be close to real life.
Илья Ефимович Репин родился в 1844 году в маленьком Российском городке Чугуеве, в семье военного поселенца. В детстве он учился иконописи. В возрасте 19 лет поступил в Санкт-Петербургскую Академию Искусств. Его приезд в столицу совпал с важным событием в художественной жизни 60-х годов — с так называемым «Бунтом четырнадцати», когда 14 молодых художников ушли из Академии, отказавшись изображать в своих дипломных работах мифологические сюжеты. Они считали, что искусство должно быть близким к жизни.
хотя хз, не по параметрам, но антоним