My friend's name was Andrew. He was of my age but he behaved himself as a grown up person and he was good at sport . So one day we went for a walk on our bikes . Our favourite place for cycling was yard behind our school. When we got there there were also boys from our school. Some of them were older than we . We began to cycle . Mathew was rough boy, he studied at 10th form . He pushed me while i was cycling and i fell on the asphalt. I broke my knee. Mathew laughed. Then my friend Andrew started to speak with Mathew. He explained that we were younger than he , he must not mock at us . Mathew continued to laugh at me. Andrew could not control himself and kicked Mathew. Mathew fell down and broke his knee. Then Andrew said that the same pain felt I . So Mathew went away. After that conversation he didn't offend or hurt anybody. I was proud that i had such friend as Andrew. He could defend me both with words and with his fists .
Everybody enjoys summer holidays. People usually have a fantastic time and a lot of fun. Last summer a group of tourists nearly became shark food when they visited the aquarium in New Orleans, the USA. The tourists were told to wait their turn and come to a special platform by ten people. Trying to get a better look at the deadly animals twenty or more tourists got on the platform. It collapsed and they fell into the water. Some of the sharks were there as bio as the people But luckily they have already had breakfast