Locals are fighting to protect beaches after an oil tanker 1) close to shore last night. Over 1,000
barrels have spilled so far and experts estimate 100 km of shoreline
will be 2)
Most of the oil will be dealt with
at sea, 3) it from reaching the coast, but
some of it certainly will. Biologists have warned that the sea turtle
population, whose numbers have 4)
recent years, are in great danger
. They have called on the company
that owned the ship to be 5)
amount of money to set an example.
a record
Нужно выслушать учителя, извиниться перед ним, подумать над своими действиями и больше не нарушать правила!
_На английском_
You need to listen to the teacher to apologize to him, to think about their actions and do not break the rules!
или же так:
Если учитель наказал за нарушение правил.Нужно в первую очередь исправиться,и понять в чём именно твоя ошибка .Попросить извенения.
If the teacher has punished for breaking the rules.Necessary first of all to improve, and understand what it is your mistake. Ask For apologies.