I enjoy reading books that deal with history in some way. It can be historical fiction and non-fiction history books. I like history, so to me reading a historical book is like travelling back in time. For example, not so long ago I finished reading Michael Morpurgo's novel "War Horse" which is set before and during World War I.
I also sometimes read fantasy and science-fiction. I have already read a few books by C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.
Я люблю читать книги, которые так или иначе связаны с историей. Это могут быть исторические романы и научно-популярные книги по истории. Мне нравится история, поэтому для меня чтение исторической книги - это как путешествие в . Например, не так давно я закончил(а) читать повесть Майкла Морпурго «Боевой конь», действие в которой происходит до и во время Первой мировой войны.
Я также иногда читаю фэнтези и фантастику. Я уже прочитал(а) несколько книг К.С. Льюиса, Дж. К. Роулинг, Айзека Азимова и Рэя Брэдбери.
I am completely keen on reading. I try to read every day at least a few pages. I like fantasy stories and some adventurous stories. And there is a story of that kind I am eager to read over and over again. Its name is “Harry Potter.”
The story was written by a popular British writer J. K. Rowling. And it tells us about a little boy Harry who lives in a family of his aunt. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and should go to study to a school of magic — Hogwarts. And that’s where the story begins.
In the following 7 parts we get to know what a great wizard Harry is. He meets new friends, studies, does sport and conquer the most evil magician in the world. These books teach how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show us how to face difficulties and how important a family and friends are.
I love this book for all of this. I have already read it a few times. And I know that I will definitely read it once again.
We walked through the forest, when suddenly we heard a birch someone whines. We have come to the place and saw that there sits a small fox. Become entangled in the wire and was very scared. My mother and I unraveled it.
Fox was beautiful. Curious eyes, bushy tail and a little white on the tip, and the whole orange. Suddenly, we noticed that his foot hurt. We felt sorry for him, and we decided to take him home.
When we got home, I fed him and gave him a drink, he gladly ate and drank. We bandaged his foot. A few weeks later, he lived with us. When the fox has healed foot, took him into the woods and released. My mother and I stood and watched for a long time, which will make our pup. He ran through the forest, and rejoiced. Then he disappeared into the bushes, and we returned home.
Many times we have seen around our house running fox. Sometimes we had played together, and I fed him. So our family is not left in the lurch a little fox.
Everyone should protect and love all animals, because we get great pleasure from communicating with affectionate and devoted "brother" of our lesser.