an automatic device designed to sense heat, receiving commands from it (manual control), and act autonomously, in accordance with the program (automatic control).
Appointments of robots can be very diverse, from entertainment and applied to purely production. The appearance of robots is diverse in form and content, it can be anything, although often the anatomy elements of various living creatures that are suitable for the task are borrowed in the structures of the nodes.
In information technology, some autonomous operating programs, such as bots or search robots, are also called “robots”.
я дуже чекала цієї поїздки.коли ми приїхали я здивувалася готичному стилю Лондона. але найбільше я хотіла побачити Національну галерею. Говорили що там твори відомих осіб навіть росіян.коли ми туди прибили я здивувалася розташуванням картин.
я очень ждала этой поездки.когда мы приехали я удивилась готическому стилю Лондона. но больше всего я хотела увидеть национальную галерею. Говорили что там произведения известных лиц даже русских.когда мы туда прибили я удивилась расположением картин.
I was really looking forward to this trip.when we arrived I was surprised by the Gothic style of London. but most of all, I wanted to see the national gallery. They said that there are works of famous people, even Russian.when we nailed it I was surprised by the location of the paintings.
Your HEART pumps BLOOD around your body
The blood carries oxygen from your LUNGS to your MUSCLES
Your MUSCLES help your JOINTS to move(тут не уверена, возможно сначала joints, потом muscles)