Read the box, then complete the sentences. 1 You should look for pickpockets when you're in big stores. 2 Paul looked the shop's address online. 3 Maria is looking a pair of boots. 4 He looked the kid while Anna went shopping. 5 Inzhu made a complaint and the manager said she'd Iook the issue.
Who never saw Scotland, he really does not know the UK.Scotland - the country in the United Kingdom, in the north of England. Its symbol - a thistle, its patron - Saint Andrew. The country is divided into the Highlands and Lowlands (High and Low earth?). Most of the industry is concentrated in the Lowlands, in the Clyde Valley. Glasgow - the largest bustling city, Edinburgh - the capital. Glasgow and Edinburgh - two large central Scotland. Between them a total of 45 miles and will you get from Glasgow to Edinburgh in about an hour by train, but the city is very different.Glasgow - the heart of the industry. It is the center of business and commerce. This is a busy, thriving, dirty in some parts and trim in other cities, it was beautiful and ugly, with its large port and lively streets.Edinburgh is quite cold, but attractive, very proud, but friendly and has a great past. Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the North. It is an ancient town and if you walk in his district, you can feel the history at every turn. Almost every building has a story to tell.The most interesting part of the city - the old town and the new town. Old town lies between the Castle and Holyrood Palace. Castle hangs over the city, as in any Disney cartoon, but it is reality. The castle, in fact, older than the city.No one can say exactly when the first settlers came to live on a huge rock that stands higher than Edinburgh (which dominates the Edinburgh). Later, they built a castle, which was used as a fortress, then as a royal palace. It looks good in any weather, but at night, full of light projectors, looks like a castle from a fairy tale. Not surprisingly, the Castle attracts many tourists.
Английский язык считают своим родным языком почти 400 миллионов человек, а в качестве второго языка им владеют более 1 миллиарда человека. Тем не менее, английский язык занимает только третье место в мире по распространенности после китайского и испанского языков.Старейшим словам из английского языка почти 14 000 лет и они происходят из ностратических языков индоевропейской семьи. К таким словам относятся слова apple (apal), bad (bad), gold (gold).Словарный состав английского языка является самым большим в мире и насчитывает около 800000 слов. При этом словарный запас большинства носителей английского языка составляет 12000 – 20000 слов, а для того, чтобы объясняться на английском языке, достаточно выучить 1500 – 2000 слов.В английском языке названия всех континентов заканчиваются на ту же букву, с которой начинаются.По данным словаря Oxford English Dictionary самое длинное слово на английском языке – это слово «». В нем 45 букв.Единственное числительное в английском языке, количество букв которого совпадает с числовым значением, - это слово «four» («четыре»).В английском языке нет слов, которые рифмуются со словами month, orange, silver или purple.Английское слово slave (раб) произошло от названия славянских племен. В древности германские племена продавали славянских пленников в рабство римлянам.
1you should look for pickpockets when you're in big stores.
2 paul looked
the shop's address online.
3 maria is looking a pair of boots.
4 he looked the kids while anna went shopping.
5 inzhu made a complaint and the manager said she'd look. the issue.