1 Choose the correct answers to complete the text. the teen movie The Duff, Blanca is enjoying her senior high school year until her neighbour, Wes, lets slip that she's known as a duff- someone less attractive who makes her friends feel prettier and more popular. Bianca believes that her best friends, Jess and Casey, have friendship, 'unfriending' them on social media and in persan. Bianca's friendship with Wes grows when she helping her become more popular so that she can get the attention of cool guitar-playing Toby, who she likes. However, bad girl Madison used to she's jealous because he and Bianca when Bianca eventually plucks up the courage to on a date, she can't believe he doesn't? but he's only using her to get claser to Jess and Casey! If you warit to know how things turn out, you'll have watch the film for yourself! by making fun of her, so she_their Wes and so well, And
1 Kieran said he would email his report next Thursday. Kieran said, 'I will email my report next Thursday'. 2 in the past, the village had a spring festival,but not any more. The village now doesn't have a spring festival. 3 The garage is going to check the brakes for me. I'm going to have the brakes checked by the garage. 4 Traffic jams are unavoidable at this time of day traffic jams at this time of day. ( В этом предложении что-то не так;) You can't avoid traffic jams at this time of day. 5 Sandra won't speak to you again unless you apologise. If you apologised, Sandra will speak to you again. 6 Marcia asked her uncle if he had gone fishing as a boy Marcia asked her uncle, Have you gone fishing as a boy? 7 I'm going to walk to the stadium tomorrow evening. I'm going to get to the stadium by walking tomorrow evening. 8 Every three years, someone repaints the doors and windows for us Every three years ,we have the doors and windows repainted by someone. 9 Harry is so in debt that he'll have to cancel his holiday. Harry has got such a large debt that he'll have to cancel his holiday 10 The helicopter is quicker than the ferry. It takes less time flying by helicopter than by ferry.
- Каждые полгода я чищу свои зубы у стоматолога.
2) Mym mom has just had her hair cut by a hairdresser in the town center.
- Моя мама только что подстригла свои волосы у парикмахера в центре города.
3) The car broke down, so we had it repair by a mechanic.
- Наша машина сломалась и потому, механик починил нам её.
4) Let's get a pizza deliver before the film starts.
- Давайте закажем доставку пиццы до начала фильма.
5) Did you get your book sign by the author.
- А ты получил автограф автора твоей книги?
6) Garry is going to have his face paint blue for the party!
- Гарри собирается разукрасить своё лицо в синий для вечеринки!