Have you felt homesick the first time you've travelled alone?
(Говорится о первом разе, когда человек путешествовал один, а это было когда-то в , следовательно, время )
I have been wandering around the town for hours, thinking of you.
(Он начал ходить когда-то в , и все еще ходит и думает. Present Perfect Progressive)
This suicase belongs to me, Madam.
(Нет конкретного времени, просто принадлежит и все, Present Simple)
— You've gone to Chile, haven't you?
— No, but I do go to Peru every summer.
Every summer-сопутствующее слово простого настоящего времени, Present Simple)
— What's the fare?
— It has always been $3. What's going on?
(Сколько стоит проезд? Он всегда стоит 3 доллара. Т.е. стоил, стоит и, возможно, будет стоить. Present Perfect)
Anna and Jack are booking a hotel for their journey at the moment.
(At the moment-сопутствующее слово
времени Present Progressive)
I am not on my way yet.
(Я еще не на своём пути. Нет конкретного времени, Present Simple)
The direction isn't totally correct.
(По той же причине Present Simple)
Possessive adjectives↓
1.My shirt is green.
2.Your book is new.
3.His pillow is soft.
4.Her dog is small.
5.It's bone is old.
6.Our bird is noisy.
7.Their car is slow.
Possessive pronouns↓
1. It's mine.
2. It's yours problems.
3. It's his bag.
4. It's hers pencil.
5. This is bowl.
6. It's ours table.
7. It's their place
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)