My favourite food is sandwiches. They consist of two slices of wheat bread with butter, and you can put some slices of cheese or sausages between them. Sometimes I add some vegetables. This may be a cucumber or lettuce. My sister also likes sandwiches, but she doesn’t like butter, so she makes her sandwiches without butter.
I also like sandwiches with cutlets instead of sausages. It may be chicken or turkey cutlets — it doesn’t matter, it’s very tasty anyway.
The sandwiches are absolutely delicious because you can feel the bread, vegetables and meat at the same time.
Моя любимая еда — бутерброды. Они состоят из двух кусочков пшеничного хлеба с маслом, также можно положить ломтики сыра или колбасы между ними. Иногда я добавляю овощи. Это может быть огурец или салат. Моя сестра тоже любит бутерброды, но ей не нравится масло, поэтому она делает свои бутерброды без масла.
Я также люблю бутерброды с котлетами вместо колбасы. Это могут быть куриные котлеты или котлеты из индейки — не имеет значения, это очень вкусно в любом случае.
Бутерброды очень вкусные, потому что вы можете одновременно чувствовать хлеб, овощи и мясо.
There is a great number of people who say that flights to space were the greatest development of the previous century. While others claim that exploring the space was not the biggest achievement. In this essay, I will express my point of view on this issue. In my opinion, flights to space were not the greatest achievement of the 20th century. First, costs involved in space exploration are enormous and the money could be spent on more pressing issues. Second, space exploration had no practical use to develop it at that time and now. Undoubtedly, there may be some practical use in the distant future, such as possibly colonizing other planets, but it distracted people from solving more important issues like ecology situation and climate change. Dreaming about colonizing Mars humanity recklessly uses the resources of their own planet.
There is an opinion that you don't need to think about the future at all, because it hasn't come yet, that you need to live "here and now". However, this view is extremely naive. You can't know the future, of course, but you can assume it. And even need to. Otherwise, it becomes unclear how to proceed.