1 Find and correct four more mistakes with the present simple.
Our dog is a Labrador. He's five years old and he's
called George. George don't like other dogs, but he
really likes cats. My friend Jack has got a cat called
Maud. George and Maud sometimes play together
in Jack's garden. I throw a ball for them, but George
don't catch it first. He's too slow – Maud is the
quickest cat in the world! Maud sleep under the tree
in Jack's garden. Maud loves sleeping! Sometimes
Jack wake her up for dinner. 'Do Maud like that?'
| ask. 'No,' says Jack, 'she doesn't. She prefers
sleeping to eating!'
-You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite.
-Grandma!What is "politeness"?
-Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.