He was walking home (фоновое действие) when somebody called his name.
She was reading a book and suddenly came across an interesting phrase.
When I came home, she was watching TV
When she called me, I was driving a car
When the telephone rang, I was having breakfast
When I came into the room my younger brother was watching a cartoon film.
My sister was watching TV while his husband played with the children
Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
It was raining when I got up.
While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.
When Tom arrived, we were having dinner.
2. Some
3. A
4. An
5. Some
6. Some
7. A
8. Some
9. A
10. Some
11. Some
12. A
13. Some
14. A
15. An
16. A
17. Some
18. Some
19. Some
20. An
21. Some
22. Some
23. A
24. Some
25. Some
26. A
27. Some
28. A
29. A
30. Some
"A" ставится, когда идёт речь об единственном числе и о том, что можно сосчитать (пример: a kid)
"An" так же, как и "A", но ставится когда существительное начинается с гласной (an orange)
"Some" ставится, когда идёт речь о множественном числе, а также о том, что нельзя посчитать (пример: some rice (нельзя рис посчитать поштучно; some T-shirts (несколько футболок))