Coming soon will be Summer holidays and I advice you to trip to Spain in order to sunbathe and swim in the Mediterranean Sea. I know a cafe which situated on the Spanish beach. There are made fantastic shakes(coctails). I think that it will be so interesting to visit museum of Dali, castle of Gaudi and and wander through the streets of Spain. And maybe we will take a car and to go to the Salou City. In foregoing city there is park Port Aventure where we can have a fun! It is important to bring with you a camera and a lot of money. So, contact me on Skype to discuss more details. I will be at home after 7pm. (Looking forward to meet you.)
Russia has a very rich history and has a lot of outstanding people most of whom are world famous .i would like to tell you about Leonid Roshal. professor Leond Roshal is a world -famous russian doctor, whose reputation continues to grow as the years pass.
Roshal was born in Livny, a small town in Oryol Region. From the time he was a small boy , he knew that he would grow up to become a doctor.
After finishing secondary school , he entered a medical institute where he dicided to join the pediatric faculty partly because of his love for children.Roshal's many prestgious titles and awards include Doctor od medicine , Professor, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Child Surgery and Traumatology and president of the national Charity Fund set up to help child victims of disasters and Catostophes.
In spite of his heavy workload as the director of the Moscow recearch Institute , professor Roshal stiil devotes much time to his patiants both as a medical doctor and a surgion.