1)He must have been really hardworking. If he didn’t do anything, he might have remained the same, not rich 2)I think, she might have passed her exams, but didn’t try to pass, so that was the reason. She can’t have passed her exams, i already have heard that she failed. 3)His parents must have been not in the mood. Ben might have go out with his friends, if his parents let him 4)I thought that he can’t have been got into an accident, because he is a very careful driver. He must have been drunk. 5)Gemma might have won, but she was tired. She must have got some problems with her sleep 6)Jamie can’t have been at the school, he was watching football matches at home. Jamie must have been angry after the match 7)Sarah might have been obese if she didn’t pull herself together She must have been healthy, if the she’s really fit 8)She can’t have spoken French, because she has learned English, not French She must have speak english fluently.
At 9 o'clock 07 minutes 12 April 1961 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (to the east of the Aral Sea) on a spaceship "Vostok" (weight - 4725 kg, orbital period -. 89.1 minutes, the maximum distance from the Earth - 302 km). After 108 min. Gagarin space flight safely landed on the left bank of the Volga River near the village of Smelovka Tarnovo district of Saratov region (20 km south-west from the city of Engels). His flight Gagarin 3 set new world records: altitude in space, duration of flight in space and carrying capacity of the spacecraft with a man on board. Gagarin's flight was marked as a historic event peoples of the world. Gagarin was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 6th convocation.
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