Hello, today I am going to tell you about my every day routine.
I am get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and go to the shower.
Leaving the bathroom I go to the kitchen.Тhere I have breakfast with scrambled eggs or sandwiches with tea.
After that I dress in a school uniform, a jacket and boots on top, take my backpack with a shift and go to school.
In school, in between classes, I can eat some fruit or a sandwich.
Coming home from school, I have lunch with soup and some other main dish I drink it with juice or compote.
Then I go to the mugs and when I come home I have dinner with fried potatoes, cookies and tea.
After that I do my homework, prepare my briefcase and clothes for tomorrow, get my hands on it, brush my teeth, take a shower, put on my pajamas and sleep it.
Думаю, этого достаточно :>
1. The girl cleaned the room yesterday (by the girl)
The room was cleaned yesterday .
2. The Japanese celebrate this holiday in spring.
This holiday is celebrated in spring (by the Japanese).
3. A group of artists organized this original exhibition.
This original exhibition was organized by a group of artists.
4. The writer will publish his new book next year.
The writer's new book will be published next year.
5. British students invited a group of Russian guests to the party.
A group of Russian guests was invited to the party by British students.
Отмечаю неправильные:
2. Every day, often, always
3. Do, does
4. Goes
6. b. Действие, которое происходит на данный момент
7. am, is, are
8. Gerund
11. Has got
12. Have got
13. My parents have got a big house in the country-side
14. Неверно, только 2 формы: have got и has got
15. Неверно, глагол HAS GOT сочетается с местоимениями 3 лица (he, she, it)
16. Условное придаточное
19. While, when
20. Wherever, where
21. Employer - работодатель
Employ - нанять
Employment - трудоустройство
Employee - сотрудник
22. Bill, paycheck
23. To set up a business
26. Sink - раковина
Armchair - кресло
Curtains- занавески
27. Bathroom - ванная
Bedroom - спальня
Living-room - гостиная
28. Apartment - American English
Flat - British English
29. A sink, a stove, a fridge
30. A bed, a carpet, a wardrobe
Надеюсь все понятно.