Australia is a mysterious country. With an area of over 7,5 million square kilometers, it is the sixth largest country in the world. But most of the land is uninhabited, because about two thirds of it is desert or semi-desert. Australia’s population... is only 16,5 million and most of these people live in the two huge states of New South Wales Victoria. The climate in this south- eastern corner is mild and ? . But the northern part of country has a tropical climate. In recent years, tourism has become an important source of income. Most tourists go to Australia’s largest city Sydney . They visit the harbour with its famous bridge and opera house. The capital of Australia is Canberra, but very few tourists go there. It’s full of government buildings, but it’s rather boring city. Many people go to Queens- Land to enjoy the beautiful beaches and see the Great Barrier reef.
Australia was cut off from the other huge continents very early in the history of the world, so some unique plants and animals have developed there. The kangaroo has become the national symbol. There’s also the koala and the platypus, mammals which lay eggs and which have a beak like a duck.
Объяснение:Не удалось вставить слова "population" и"temperature".Возможно, здесь должно быть слово "temperate"(умеренный), тогда его можно поставить в предложении The climate in this south- eastern corner is mild and ? вместо вопросительного знака.А слово"population" уже употреблено:Australia’s population... is only 16,5 million...Больше его некуда поставить.
1. She put the folder on the desk of the boss (boss). 2. There is nothing interesting in today's newspapers. 3. Today is the birthday of Boris. 4. Everyone is tired, let's take a ten-minute break. 5. My friends' advice is not always helpful, b. Where are the car keys? 7. Tomorrow I will go to the hairdresser and dry cleaning. 8. I liked the idea of Thomas. 9. At the end of the lesson the teacher answers the questions of the students. 10. The future of my children bothers me. 11. I like the novels of Charles Dickens. 12. My younger sister's name is Vera. 13. Reports of those students are excellent. 14. This shop has men's shirts. 15. Many children's toys are made in China.