(P – пациент; D – доктор). D: good afternoon. (добрый день) P: hello. D: how can I help you? (как я могу вам P: Well, doctor, I have some problems with my health. I can't sleep almost every night. (Хорошо, доктор, у меня есть некоторые проблемы со здоровьем. Я почти не сплю по ночам) D: Oh, it's very bad for you. Hmm, do you have other promblems? (ох, это очень плохо для вас. Есть ещё какие-нибудь проблемы?) P: no, I don't. (нет, больше нет) D: okey. now I'm going to give you these pills. I want you to take two pills three times a day. (Я пропишу вам вот эти таблетки. Их нужно принимать по две таблетки три раза в день) P: oh, thank you, doctor (ох вам, доктор)
I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day. Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections. Tennis became very popular now. To be in a good shape I'm jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in.If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
D: good afternoon. (добрый день)
P: hello.
D: how can I help you? (как я могу вам
P: Well, doctor, I have some problems with my health. I can't sleep almost every night. (Хорошо, доктор, у меня есть некоторые проблемы со здоровьем. Я почти не сплю по ночам)
D: Oh, it's very bad for you. Hmm, do you have other promblems? (ох, это очень плохо для вас. Есть ещё какие-нибудь проблемы?)
P: no, I don't. (нет, больше нет)
D: okey. now I'm going to give you these pills. I want you to take two pills three times a day. (Я пропишу вам вот эти таблетки. Их нужно принимать по две таблетки три раза в день)
P: oh, thank you, doctor (ох вам, доктор)