Time for a walk! Oh goody! I like the park! Hello, Cookie! So, you come here too! Yes. My owner works here.He sells hot dogs. What does he do? Do you want (тайм) (фэр) (э) (уок)! (оу) (ˈгуди)! (ай) (лайк) (зэ) (пак)! (хеˈлоу), (ˈкуки)! (соу), (ю) (кам) (хиэ) (ту)! (йес). (май) (ˈоунэ) (уёкс) (хиэ).(хи) (селз) (хот) (догз). (уот) (дэз) (хи) (ду)? (ду) (ю) (уонт) one?Do people eat dogs?Oh, oh! They're not really does, silly!Here you are. Try one! I love hot dogs. Yum!(уан)?(ду) (ˈпипл) (ит) (догз)?(оу), (оу)! (зеэ) (нот) (ˈриэли) (даз), (ˈсили)!(хиэ) (ю) (а). (трай) (уан)! (ай) (лав) (хот) (догз). (ям)!
1) Are you (предлог, который есть и пропустила) lesson now? -No, we aren't We are at the cinema. 2) The Maths home task is very difficult. 3) The children are in the schoolyard playing football. 4) Is Sofia in the hospital? - Yes, she is. She is ill. 5) They are able students. They are especially good at Literature. 6) Am I happy to have a new book as a present? Yes, I am. I love reading! 7)The banks are closed after 7 o'clock. 8) Are you a musician? -No, I'm not. I am a designer. 9) They are not good friends, they are acquaintances.
Is she happy? yes she is
Does he had got a new car? no, he doesn't
Does Ben like apples and bananas? yes, he does