Найдите ещё шесть слов, обозначающих профессии. Подберите к каждому слову описание.
Например: 0. someone who helps animals – vet
someone who works in a hospital and helps doctors someone who draws pictures someone who bakes cakes or bread someone who fixes cars someone who brings letters and newspapers someone who serves people at a restaurant
1.They said that they were meeting that day. 2.She said to her son that he must call the office to check that . 3.They told me that they hadn't taken photos during their trip . 4.The told his friend that it had been his best chance ever . 5.She said that she had spent the previous summer traveling. 6.He told me that i could collect my books the following day . 7.He said that Mary would return from Paris the following week. 8.The policeman said that I was not allowed to park there. 9.The man asked how old the Sphinx was . 10.She said to me to call her from my office when i arrive. 11.Kate said to Mike not to forget to take an umbrella. 12.John asked what time we were leaving the following day . 13.Nice said to Join to send him a letter. 14.He asked what time the next bus left .
Вот так:
1) Vet (ветеринар
2) Nurse (медсестра)
3) Artist (художник)
4) Baker (повар)
5) Mechanic (механик)
6) Postman (почтальон)
7) Waiter (официант)