Если это письмо в начале в правом углу напиши город, страну и дату. С красной строки слева пиши I was glad to receive your letter. How are you? I'm fine/ ( я рада получить твое письмо, как дела, у меня все норм, это вводная фраза) Основная часть: In your letter, you asked about me. As for me, I collect different postcards. I have 40 cards. I buy them in stores, when travelling or as a gift. I also like to draw. It's my hobby. I can draw very well because I've been doing this since childhood. My drawings very much, for example, still lifes, portraits, landscapes and my ideas. As for my parents, my mom likes to do handmaiden and she does it very well. She participates in exhibitions of needlework and her works are bought by people. My dad loves computer games. We also play with him and sometimes I win. ( начиная от жирного шрифта это заключающая фраза, ее пишишь с красной строки)THAT'S all for now. Keep in touch. Hug you.( Hug you на следующей красной строке и под ним свое имя и без точке в конце) Удачи, чувачек
A:Hello,could I some information about your hotel,please? B:Hello,welcome to our hotel on the west coast of Spain.I do my best to tell you about all advantages of this hotel A:What kind of hotel resorts are near the beach? B:We have full specter of hotel resorts.We have volleyball square,bar with food is right on the beach,kids square is exactly what will cherish you and your kids A:Are three any water sports facilities? B:As I said before we have volleyball court,and in the water you can have a water fitness training A:how far is it from the town? B:It is in about 10 minutes by bus,and 30 by foot A:Are there any good restaurant nearby? B:There are a lot of them,in left building of our hotel there is a Chinese restaraunt and in 5 minutes you can found pizza restaurant A:Thank you very much for your help B:You're welcome!It will me nice to see you as a guest in our hotel A:Goodbay B:Goodbay!
вот по моему будет как то так