Wow, that's really cool! My parents bought me my own laptop not much ago, too. And I like to play games on it, just like you. I think that they are interesting and absorbing, but your mum has a point: some of them are really stupid. A lot of teenagers in Russia like to play games on their computers, including the shooting ones. They also like to hang out with friends, watch TV sometimes and read interesting books. They surf the net a lot in their free time, seems like that's the most popular pastime for russian teens. And i'm not an exclusion :) But of course we use computers not only for fun, but for our education. Making school projects, for example. But that's not half as interesting as skyping with buddies and playing rpg games, you know.
police + man= policeman полицейский
engine+ er= engineer инжинер
economic + ist= econimist экономист
sea + man = seaman моряк
polity + ian = politician политик
research + er = researcher