Choose the correct item. 2 3 1 I left my football boots on the driveway and my dad accidentally ran across/over them! 2 The coach was dissatisfied with/in our team's performance last night. We were really proud of/with Mum when she completed the marathon. 4. Some people think that taekwondo is similar of/to karate, but it isn't. 5 We almost lost the match, but Ryan scored two goals right in/at the end of the game. Points: 5X 4 20 in ronorted sneech.
Обь протекает в Сибири и составляет 3 650 км. Образует ее слияние Катуни и Бии. 5 410 км составляет она вместе со своим притоком Иртышем, поэтому и имеет звание самой длинной реки. Такая длина считается второй во всей Азии и первой в России. Питание Оби в основном снеговое. Что касается рыбы, то можно насчитать около 50-ти видов. Промышленное значение имеют: судак, окунь, лещ, щука и пр. К ценным видам относятся: осетр, чир, пелядь, стерлядь и др.
At the present I go to school, so I'm very busy on weekdays. Because of this, unfortunately, I can't help in the house as often as my parents wish. However, I do my best to find the time to clean house.Every morning I get up and without any loss of time, I do my bed and go to the bathroom. Yawning, I wash my face, then I brush my teeth and go to have breakfast. After breakfast, I always wash the dishes myself after me and my family, because my mom and dad leave for work before me. They have no time to wash the dishes.At 8 o'clock sharp, I make my way to the school and at 4 on the dot I come back home. On my return, I cook something easy so that I might eat, and then I get down to the lessons. Lessons take me from half an hour to two hours a day. It all depends on how much homework our teacher gives to us. Then I put all the books and notebooks into place and start cleaning my room. Every day I dust. Every other day I vacuum. Sometimes in the evening we go shopping together with dad.From time to time, I help my mom wash, iron and do spring cleaning. But this happens not quite often. On the weekend I rest, meet friends, play in the yard and in the park across the street. She often gets angry with me for this, so I try to study well and make her happy making good progress in studies.
Источник: 2014 ©