14. Mark's mother watches as he writes an essay. 15. Mark writes an essay for two hours. 16. Mark wrote for five essays in this month. 17. Last year Mark also wrote essays. 18. Mark wrote an essay when he arrived. 19. Mark wrote an essay for a long time, when they came to his friends. 20. Mark has written an essay before his parents arrived. 21. By the end of the month, Mark wrote five works. 22. While the mother brand will plant the rose, he will write an essay. 23. By the time the parents of Mark will come home, he will write a composition for two hours.
Не очень понятно задание прописано, но вот:
2) wasn't
3) we are sad because the elephant wasn't outside. It was inside its house
4) A: were there any polar bears at the zoo?
B: Yes, there were
5) A: Was the weather good?
B: No! It was very cold, so there weren't many people at the zoo.