Hello! My name is (Твоё имя). My favourite profession is a cook. I think cooking isn't boring work. It's like an art, you need to have all details in your work. Because, if you haven't milk- you can't make a cake. But cook- is a hard work. You need to know many techniques and rules. If you'll forgotten only one rule- you can: made a fire, broken something or hurt somebody. Now I can make some easy-cook food. When I will be older, I wanna be make my restaurant. It's will be call-" (любое название кафе на англ язе)".
I want to tell you about the largest library in the world. It is located in the USA (Washington) and is called the Library of Congress. It was founded on April 24, 1800. It contains books in more than 470 languages. It is also one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. But despite this, because of the wars, this library was burned 2 times. It took a long time to restore it. It is also known that every year 100 thousand dollars are spent on light bulbs.
2nd place is the library in London. And in third place is the library of New York.
I think that in our time libraries are very important. Every year more and more people attract libraries with their views and scales, but you will hardly want to leave without reading a single book. It is in such places that there is a desire to read.
I ran a marathon for that shirt!
He then attacked the firebreathing bull of Marathon and brought it alive to Athens, where he sacrificed it to Apollo Delphinius.
Marathon runners need a lot of stamina to keep going for 26 miles.