Always do your homework before you play computer games, hang out with your friends or more.
Oversleeping is bad for you. You can be late for school, and you will feel bad, or not sleep at night.
Skipping Lessons
If you skip lessons is going to be bad for you. You will not do well on tests because you will not know the material.
Cheating will not help you do well on tests because you will not know anything you'll just copy others.
Once upon a time, there lived a camel whose name was George.He has travelled a lot through the desert looking for a friend but nobody wanted to speak with him? beacous they think that he was ugly.He went and went and went ? and after a while he saw a human.It was a man with fair hair Like camel^s, and dark-blue eyes like cammel^s too.They understood that they were not so different? and after it they became the best friends.
это типо сказка, я не поняла что тебе нужно -повествовательный рассказ о какомто животном или вот такая вот сказка, история.
Present Perfect: The boy has to eaten the ice cream
Present Continuous: The boy is eating the ice cream бер